Dec 12, 2008
Bountiful Utah
Dec 5, 2008
Nov 24, 2008

Timpanogus temple, Nov 2008, sorry about the sideways pics.

Jordan river temple, sept 2008
OK i now the skirt is hideous but its my grandmas, i was in a hurry didn't have time to go home and get a skirt.

St George temple, Aug 2008

well so now me and my sister have made a goal to visit every temple in the world. ok I know its alot but it can be done we have a life time. so here are the ones we have been to so far. we plan o the bountiful and the provo temples next then hopefully the new ones will be open. daybreak and draper. then we will go abroad.
family reuion
Nov 2, 2008
cabin weekend
Oct 20, 2008
Sad news
Sep 25, 2008
st george

so we went to st george this last weekend we had so much fun. i didnt get alot of pic i seem to lose my camera in the middle of the trip. well kaylie, charmayne, her boyfriend mike, kam, me and brandon headed up on friday night. well we all were pretty tired when we got there and kind of just lounged around. well jordans house is beautiful ill post more pics later. well sat morning we woke up and made breakfast we went and seen my cousin that just hada baby he was so cute. then we drove to mesqite. i actualyy gambled. i lost but we played a long time on the $ we brought. we has so much fun. well sunday morning we woke up and went to startbucks.
Sep 15, 2008
Girls weekend Aug 14-17

This years annual sister weekend. well it was my first year and we had a blast we went to st george and stayed in this beautiful condo. well i stole these pics from treasure so thanks to treasure for all the pics. i lost my camcera in the middle and found it at the end. nice huh!!! well we spend 4 days in st george all getting to know each other and had a last. to bad anna couldnt come. we missed you anna.!!!!
2008 Family reunion

Well every year we treck up the idaho to brandons grandma and grandpa woodlands house. we pitch tents on the lawn and some bring motor homes. (cheaters)) well albian is like 200 population town so its quite small. we basically lounged around wathed the olympics and walked to the local gas station alot we played games and ate alot of really good food. grandpa woody used to own a resturant and he can cook a mean omlette and biscuts and gravy. we had alot of fun seeing ricks family and terrys family too.

July 24th weekend

Jul 20, 2008
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Jul 10, 2008

Jun 24, 2008
June 24th
Jun 3, 2008
The Cabin May 30th -June 1st
well we have been around the last month. every weekend we have been doing somthing. who ever though vacations would be so much work. well we went to the cabin, mostly to bring the boat back but my sister stayed the whole weekend with us which was a totall blast. i loved every minute. brett and mark came up on friday to spend the night and we all played games and they went fishing. then satuerday we went to the hub for breakfast and then came back and we went on a 4 wheeler ride. we went everywhere we had alot of fun driving around and enjoying the beautiful mountains. it was awsome!!! well then lehi chelsea, jimmy, ricky, and james all came up for a while. they played some magic and then we played some on the wii. then they had to go home. well sunday we mostly just sat around and didnt do much. watched some movies and took a nap. and then looked for my sisters keeys of which we finally found under the couch. of course!! :-) well that was my weekend hope to go up there again soon.
Jun 2, 2008
Camping May 23-25th