well we have been around the last month. every weekend we have been doing somthing. who ever though vacations would be so much work. well we went to the cabin, mostly to bring the boat back but my sister stayed the whole weekend with us which was a totall blast. i loved every minute. brett and mark came up on friday to spend the night and we all played games and they went fishing. then satuerday we went to the hub for breakfast and then came back and we went on a 4 wheeler ride. we went everywhere we had alot of fun driving around and enjoying the beautiful mountains. it was awsome!!! well then lehi chelsea, jimmy, ricky, and james all came up for a while. they played some magic and then we played some on the wii. then they had to go home. well sunday we mostly just sat around and didnt do much. watched some movies and took a nap. and then looked for my sisters keeys of which we finally found under the couch. of course!! :-) well that was my weekend hope to go up there again soon.
Deborah Gillespie
3 years ago
I'm glad I got a few laughs out of my boardness. Well, we're working on making our way there. This weekend is father's day so its no good. Are there any weekends good for you guys? We could probably get away most weekends we just have to make the decision to do so. So my cousin Melanie from ferron just had a baby. Crazy...I didn't even know she was pregnant. My mom said she told me but I would have remembered that one.
We will move up as soon as we have a job, a place to call home and a few other must haves in place. We are pretty excited to move up, but way nervous too. Oh! And Brian Regan is going to be doing a show @ thanksgiving point on Aug. 18 I think. We HAVE to go!
I like your new blog layout. Really cute!
I'm thinking I'm loving it getting long too. Nothing is for sure yet though. What do you think about the color?
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