Here are the rules:1. Add a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Deborah Gillespie
3 years ago
Oh Peter...*lol* "do you have any coupins?"
One of my favorites was right after I went to the bathroom and you walked in and said, " smells like tropical S***." *lol* That was hilarious!
Or how about the time that we were at Kerri's and you got milk duds stuck to your butt! We were laughing so hard about that because it made streaks on Kerri's sheets! *lol* that was priceless!
I've known you so long so how do I pick?'s a few for ya. How about that time that you, me and Alli were sitting in your front room in that one single chair with the foot rest, in the dark while Jenifer and Danny were making out on the couch and Allison taught us that eeny, meeny disaleeny saying and we were pretending to be bears. Or I'll never forget when you were getting married and your grandma raises her hand in the middle of things and say, "Did you know he's a triplet". You know the rest, but I'll never forget that one.
Oh Valee! I wish I had more memories with you but the ones that I have are pretty good! I remember the first time I met you when you cae down to see Jo and we went to Vegas in the T.A. and watched the boys race. That was fun and I thought we were going to die coming home. And I remember going to Raging Waters and seeing you and Brandon snuggle and smooch the WHOLE time. And my most recent memory of when we watched Brian Reagan at Jo and Jess's. I laughed so hard I thought I was going to fall over. Oh... And the time we went snowboarding for Jer's b-day. That was such a fun trip.
Valee Valee Valee I really wish I had more memories us.. Pretty much everytime we get together we laugh so hard.. I will never forget when we were staying at your sisters house and we were sleeping in her bed and you looked over at me with the most serious look and said "Dont worry you wont even know I am here" I dont know why it was so funny but we laughed for hours!
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