so we went to st george this last weekend we had so much fun. i didnt get alot of pic i seem to lose my camera in the middle of the trip. well kaylie, charmayne, her boyfriend mike, kam, me and brandon headed up on friday night. well we all were pretty tired when we got there and kind of just lounged around. well jordans house is beautiful ill post more pics later. well sat morning we woke up and made breakfast we went and seen my cousin that just hada baby he was so cute. then we drove to mesqite. i actualyy gambled. i lost but we played a long time on the $ we brought. we has so much fun. well sunday morning we woke up and went to startbucks.
hey congrats thats so cool.tame's baby is so cute hu!!!
well i hope all is well.
♥love candice♥
Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We are so excited for you both. We love you!!!
We are so excited for you guys. Keep us updated on how things go.
I am so excited for you two. Michelle was telling me about when you took the test and everything. I was laughing and almost crying because it reminded me so much of when I found out I was preg with Coop.
Still super excited for you!!!
OMGOODNESS! Congrats! Aaron didn't tell us you guys were expecting! That's awesome. Hopefully the new little Quarnberg will take after Mommy. :)
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