Dec 2, 2011

The big move!!!

Today is finally the day!! we are officially moving all the boxes are packed and ready to go. other than one room which i am going to do this morning. the house it so beautiful and i cant wait. its goign to be a long day,  but completly worth it!!! .Its crazy how this home came to us. it was like god said here this is suppose to be yours. and it is ours now. well legally kam's but i consider it partly mine, just because i found it and i am awsome.  but completly worth it!!! Other News we had a hug wind storm here in bountiful that left our power off for almost 24 hrs. it was crazy it knocked over 5 big huge pine trees in our condo complexes. luckily the new house is just fine.
These are a few of the trees that fell. 

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