Jan 21, 2009

Our new house.

our new house. we love it we got it for a great price. and our payemtns are as much as a apartmen. its wonderful. it has a extra bedroom which hopefully will be filled soon. lol hint hint hf. it has a beautiful firplace and a cute kitchen. we painted the whole house. it was all white before. like a hospital!!!! we love the new colors. almost all thank full to my family and friends for helping us move and paint. thanks mom and kam!!!! and a specail thanks to my dad who built me my dream closet. !!!!!!!! lol i love it i actually have a place to put everthing and room for growth. we love it and hope to start our family here.

new years eve.

we had alot of fun the news years we all went to lehs and played games and played with little damion. he was so fun to watch. we love the rock band. !!!! ate alot of pizza and played more games

this is mya our newest child!!!! lol!!! well thats what we are calling her untill we have kids. lol. well she is so cute and very cuddly she loves to play and loves new people unlike nani. but we still love her. at first they didnt get along but now they love each other. we like her alot expecailly brandon she loves to sleep with him. its cute.

olive garden

charie and i

kam. me charmayne, lindsay

me and my best sister in the world

my momy and daddy

Olive garden our place of family gathering. christmas weekend my family came up to slc and we all went to dinner at our favorite place ever to eat. we had alot of fun and ate yummy food. my parents are funny and crazy i dont think i have ever seen that face on my dad. it was priceless. i love when my family is around and hope they come back soon.

caden jenkins!!!!

caden jenkins was born dec 17th 2008. he weighed 7 lbs and was 21 inches long. he is so tiny and cute. he looks big in the pictures but you hold him and he is tiny. he is a month old so i am way behind. but ive been so busy. we welcome im to our awsome family

alot to catch up on


We had a blast we went to price to be with my family jordan and jessica were there too from st. george. we spend the days haveing a blast with family and friends. we really had alot of fun opeing presents and laughing alot i might add allllooootttt and eating. i got a huge clock, some scrap booking items. clothes. new socks a condo. lol. well we played the wii and talked alot. and ate alot. did i already mention that. brandon got a new zune and a xbox 360 that he got for his bday as well.. my brother josh and the family came over and really had a fun time being around them we went to his house to see the new baby too. we had so much fun adn enjoyed every min we spent with my family. i am so very thankfull for thier hospitality and love. i have the best family ever!!!!!!
