Oct 21, 2011

Week 4

I have spent that last 2 weeks trying to focus on getting caught up. so as of today i am going to start my diet again. I sit here and wonder why is it so hard to not eat bread? i don get it. its just a fatty substance that doesnt do anything really good for your body. but why is it so good, and why is it in everything. I need some ideas for lunches and breakfasts that will help me on my journey. my goal is to be 130-135 when i am finished. starting on monday i am going to document my progress. basically i will be venting to you how much i want sugar/ bread and i am really going to try. at least for 4 weeks. see how much i can lose. Maybe you can join me. and let me know how your progress is going. we could be weight loss buddies!!! lol. well first post will be monday ill see ya then.


Rosie said...

Hi Valee, I am "eating helathy" and trying to lose the last 5-10 lbs. Its so hard, you just have to be dedicated and hard headed at times to accomplish your goal. I know you can do it. David gave me a diet plan that I am actually starting today. He knows a lot about this sort of thing and I have seen it work on him. So you need to be eating at least every 3 hours. 6 meals. Breakfast I eat a 8 oz protein shake with 1/2 C of fruit. Before lunch- protein bar with an apple. Lunch- tuna sandwich w/ light mayo, on whole wheat bread, 1/2 a cucumber. mid dinner- protein shake w/ fruit, Dinner-5 oz.Chicken, brown rice, broccoli, bedtime snack- yogurt or protein shake. Hope that kind of gives you an idea. The main thing is that you need to be eating as much protein as you can. 1g per lb of your body weight to gain muscle and replace the fat with that. And of coarse at least 30 min of exercise. Feel free to Email me rosier07@msn.com. Good luck!

Westwood Family said...

You still need whole grains, so if your quitting bread make sure you get other sources. White bread=bad, whole wheat bread=good. You can also do whole grain pastas and brown rice. It's good to eat healthy and to cut back but you wanna make sure you don't cut out the stuff your body needs. Whole grains, Proteins, fiber, water etc. Also remember its calories in vs. calories out. The only way to lose is to eat less calories than your burning a day.
