Our family got this awsome idea to suprize my mom on a trip to the price is right for my parents anniversary. well we put our plan into action. Family members coming. Me(the carryouter), Brandon, Kambree, Victor, Mom(no idea) Dad(the idea), Nathan, Dana(all the way from alaska, thats right)Jordan. Kailtin, Brett and Eliza, Jenny, vanessa,heather,suzanne, angelina, rick and the kids. Katerina, brett and kids. sarena, charles and kids. Our adventure began on thursday may 19th we drove all the way from salt lake to st george and we picked up kambree and victor (they were working down there) and we headed off from there. we were going to meet my mom and dad there, Remember this whole trip was a suprise from my mom, she had no clue) malaki did an awsome job the whole way there here he is in his carseat.
*California Adventures*
Us on the Tower of terror

We stayed pretty late, But we got to see this amazing show called The color of lights, it was water and they did this awsome show with water and they even put parts tot he movies on the water. it was so amazing. Well then saturday we woke up and went to disneyland Jordan and Kaitlin came that morning so there were here when we headed up there.

we had tons of fun at disneyland we went on a canoe tour and my mom took malaki for a bit so we got to go on alot of rides, my hip was killing me so kambree pushed me in the stroller back to the hotel. THen we woke up sunday and got ready to go to the beach.
* Huntington Beach*

We went to the huntington beach the weather was awsome and got pretty cloudy at the end. but they were having a little fair thing there at the beach so i got some cute feathers in my hair and we did a little shopping. something me and eliza loved more than brett and brandon. we finished our day and went and got some much needed sleep. Monday was the most inportant day. we went to be on the price is right. it was exciting other than dana forgot her id so they had to go back and get it. i felt terrible. other than i thought i told everyone. but they got back in time and we were able to get in, none of us got on or called up but it was alot of fun. meeting drew and the announcer was alot of fun. my mom got the announcers autograph. this pic is us riding on the back and side door of the car. the travel carier was in the car till we got out of the parking garage.

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