Well my easter weekend was fun !! we had alot of fun with spencer and michelle this weekend. they came on friday and we went shopping and i helped michell *** its amazimg i might add** e pick out some new clothes. she is now one hot momma!@!@ and as alway i forgot my camera. sat we woke up lounged around ate food alot of food( yummy) then we went to kaylie to try on a dress for charies wedding!!@! AUG 7 congrats charie. !!! anywho we ate at European connection its amazing i might add best food ever. go try it. well then we went to my nephews baptism again no pics. well we then went again to the mall got more stuff for spence and michelle . we went to walmart and had a blast picking out easter stuff for her kids. we then went to eat and it was yummy. man i love food. well they sadly had to leave!! but hope to see them soon again. WE MISS YOU ALREADY!! well sunday we woke up went to church it was good. and then went to a egg hunt with brnadons fam here are a couple pics of it thanks to anna. again forgot camera. but then just spent the reast of the beautiful day together. well it was a great weekend. this eekend is aaron bday party so ill have a bunch of pics.